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Now tap on Notifications and mute the contact for either a custom period of time or forever. I generally leave it for forever. Add Nearby People and Group Telegram Messenger Tricks The Bot API is a free and open platform, available to everyone. If you're looking to build your own bot, check out this page.

This is useful when you are on your way to a meeting or trying to coordinate with friends at a large event. Rather than sending static locations every minute, you can share your live location with your friend circle for 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours. Of course, you can stop sharing at any time. SUBSCRIBER ONLY STORIESView All Telegram Bots Set custom notification sound

Delete Sender’s Message Should I use Telegram? Telegram has a cloud service that stores messages, photos, videos, and documents. You can access your data from any of your devices anytime without having to rely on third-party backups. Add Animated Stickers to Images/Videos

Also, it enables you to send the current location as well. But live location is much more valuable because it’s easy to find your friend or someone in a wide range of situations. Premium Doubled Limits

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